Primo Raduno Internazionale Tang Lang Quan Spagna 2016

First_International_Meeting_TLQ_Spain_2016.jpgSi segnala che, dal 15 al 17 aprile 2016, presso Santa Fe (Granada), si terrà il Primo Raduno Internazionale di Tang Lang Quan in Spagna (First International Meeting of Tang Lang Quan in Spain) promosso dalla European Praying Mantis Boxe Association (EPMBA), cui la nostra associazione è iscritta.

All’evento, organizzato dal maestro David Conches, vice presidente della EPMBA, con la collaborazione del maestro Alexander Alvarez e degli altri maestri affiliati alla EPMBA, tra cui il maestro Angelo D’Aria e Patrick Cassam-Chenai, prenderanno parte delegazioni provenienti da Cina, Giappone, Russia, Francia, Italia, Spagna, Germania, Portogallo e Inghilterra, atleti e maestri che potranno confrontarsi sia durante una competizione di carattere sociale che – sulla base delle attuali informazioni fornite – si terrà nell’arco della giornata di sabato 16 aprile, sia nell’ambito di stage e incontri presieduti dai maestri presenti a questo meeting (previsti per domenica 17 aprile).

Il Primo Raduno Internazionale di Tang Lang Quan rappresenta senza dubbio un evento di notevole rilevanza in quanto saranno presenti esponenti di tutte le diverse famiglie marziali (Taiji, Qi Xing, Meihua, Liuhe…) internazionalmente riconosciute in un contesto di crescita e confronto corale a cui la stessa Kyu Shin Ryu ha deciso di aderire.

Si rimanda quindi al seguente link per prendere visione della brochure preparata da David Conches e si avvisa sin da ora che, prossimamente, verranno fornite ai soci ulteriori informazioni sull’organizzazione e sugli sviluppi di questo evento.



Dear friends, instructors, and students of Tanglangquan worldwide.
In April of the 2016, the European Association of Praying Mantis Boxing will organize the FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING TANGLANGQUAN FRIENDLY IN SPAIN, that will be celebrated from 15 to 17 of April 2016, in the beautiful city of Santa Fé, just ten minutes from the impressive city of Granada, in Spain. With the exceptional collaboration of the Teacher Alexander Alvarez (Liùhe Tanglangquan), the Santa Fé Town Halll, the Sports Department, the Tourism Office from Granada, the Confucius institute of University of Granada and other organisms of the local city, we are going to organize a competition of instructors and students of Tanglangquan ofEurope and other places, divided into 3 days: Friday 15, reception of the participants and visits around Santa Fe. Saturday 16, Demostration starting at 09,00 hours up to 20,00 hours. Sunday 17, multiple course from 10 to 13 hours by all Honorary Presidents and Masters, and in the evening a tourist visit around Santa Fe and Granada.
And for that reason, for me, as the vice president of this association and organizer of the mentioned event, and for Alexander, co organizer of the event and partner of the association, is a great pleasure to invite you—all the teachers and students of Tanglangquan to this international competition, and we wish you to come and join us in this great event. It does not concern which country you come from, in this unique event, the truly important thing is that we all practice Tanglangquan, no matter what style, united in a common characteristic, promoting the Praying Mantis Boxing and its numerous advantages through all the world. In this month’s issue you will find all the information necessary to register in the event, a selection of hotels and restaurants of the zone, and even the most beautiful and historical places of the area, so that besides to your participation in the event, your visit will also be a pleasant journey.
The price of inscription for the competing students will be only 10 €, the rest of participants the inscription is free.

With our best regards.

David Conches (Liu David 刘大卫) Organizer and Vice-Presidente of the European Praying Mantis Boxing Association

Alejandro Álvarez Coorganizer of the event and member of the European Praying Mantis Boxing



The first E.P.M.B.A. Tanglangquan Championship is a very important opportunity for all of us Tanglangquan practitioners, because du-ring this event we can see and compare our knowledge and ability with others different lineages and school to increase our level and to improve ours mentality, to get friendship and cooperation with others associations and stiles. Martial arts culture is to unite people for live together in harmony.

D’Aria Angelo


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